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ZO-Gronings dorp, als in A hotheaded Drent in ... / who always ran too hard from staple / forsplintered his plate / when the waitress was late / and gave her a lell with the laple (O'Mill) (3+4)
A hot-headed Drent in Ter Apel Who always ran too hard from staple Forsplintered his plate When the waitress was late And gave her a lell with the laple (EgniZP)
Hij doet me aan van Gaal denken, maar die vindt zichzelf briljant (akoe)
:) (Anoniem)
Nog eentje, voor de leuk : A terrible infant called Peter Sprinkled his bed with a gheter His father got woost Took hold of a cnoost And gave him a pack on his meter (EgniZP)
Laatste : Mon oncle qui- Mon oncle qui- Mon oncle qui- tle ma tante et quand je suis plus grand je qui- tlerai ma gouvernante (EgniZP)